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Preparation time
10 mins
Cooking time
35 mins
4 people
Meal course
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1 Tuber
1 Cup
Palm oil
1 Cup
Oil bean
1 Ounce
1 Ounce
Bell pepper (atarodo)
4 Cup
Clean water
1 Cup
1 Tablespoon
4 Tablespoon
1 Ounce
Smoked hake fish ( panla)
1 Tuber Yam1 Cup Palm oil1 Cup Oil bean1 Ounce Atarodo1 Ounce Bell pepper (atarodo)4 Cup Clean water1 Cup Crayfish1 Tablespoon Salt4 Tablespoon Seasoning1 Ounce Smoked hake fish ( panla)

Yam porridge is another delicious Nigerian dish made from yam tuber, pepper mix blend and other natural spices.

  1. Peel and wash your yams into a pot , chop some red onions into the pot, add some clean water enough to cook the yam, then add some salt.
  2. Mix in the salt and cover to allow the yam cook till it comes to a boil. The quantity of water should be enough to cook the yam till it is ready.
  3. While your yam is cooking we proceed to make the palm oil sauce. In your pan or skillet add some palm oil , go in with your blended pepper mix which is a combination of tatashe (bell pepper), atarodo (scotch bonnet) and onions
  4. Give that a good stir, then introduce your oil bean, oil bean is the English name for what the Igbos of the eastern part of Nigeria call ugba and what the Efiks of the southern Nigeria call Ukana. As Nigerian you should be familiar with these names. stir the pepper mix and oil bean and allow to cook for 5 minutes.
  5. Go in with smoked fish, crayfish powder, enough seasoning and some salt. Stir very well to combine then cover to cook for 10 minutes .
  6. When your palm oil sauce is ready, you will introduce the sauce into your yam that must have boiled by this time . Mix the sauce in and taste , add more seasoning if there is a need , but make sure to season very well so your porridge is tasty. When this is done cover and allow the mixture to cook for 25 minutes on very low heat, emphasis on low heat, so all the ingredients cook and the water in the yam thickens Into a sauce. and it does not burn
  7. After 25 minutes check your yam , then add your chopped scent leaf or ugwu leaf (pumpkin leaves) , I always like to combine both vegetables it gives your porridge a very unique flavour and taste. Stir in and cover the pot so the vegetables cook for 3 minutes and your porridge is ready!
  8. Serve the porridge as e dry hot and enjoy!

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