Signature coconut rice

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Preparation time
15 mins
Cooking time
45 mins
5 people
Meal course
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2 Bowl
Coconut milk
1 Kg
1 Cup
1 Cup
Scotch bonnet (atarodo)
4 Cup
2 Bowl Coconut milk1 Kg Chicken1 Cup onions1 Cup Scotch bonnet (atarodo)4 Cup Rice
Signature coconut rice

Coconut rice is a Nigerian dish bursting with coconut flavours and other spices. this rice is a must try and it is also a great option for parties and in restaurants. In my opinion this rice is underrated.

  1. In a pot pre cook your protein for 7 minutes or till it starts boiling. This is so you have a rich stock to cook with.
  2. In another pot add some coconut oil or any vegetable oil of choice, add coconut essence (optional) but i'll advice you add the essence to get the best taste. Add your diced onions, sorte for 1 minute then add your blended peppers and pepper soup spice for flavour (optional).
  3. Now add your protein and its stock ,stir very well then add crayfish (avoid using too much crayfish when making coconut rice ,that's another recipe for disaster), stockfish flakes, dry fish ( smoked hake fish also known as panla )
  4. then add your freshly extracted coconut milk ( you can extract it at home or use store bought coconut milk). Check for taste then cover up to come to a boil .
  5. When your sauce comes to a boil put in your washed rice and cover , check at intervals ,lift and turn the rice so all part of the rice cooks properly. When the rice is properly dried put out your fire source, at this point your kitchen must be bursting with nice aroma restricting airflow(lol)
  6. Your coconut rice is ready!! serve with dome fried plantain and cold juice.

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