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Preparation time
5 mins
Cooking time
5 mins
2 people
Meal course
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1 Ounce
1/2 Frozen pineapples
1 Cup
3 Frozen banana
1 Cup
Coconut milk
1 Tablespoon
White or brown sugar
1 Ounce 1/2 Frozen pineapples1 Cup 3 Frozen banana1 Cup Coconut milk1 Tablespoon White or brown sugar

Pina colada is a frozen blended drink  made from frozen pineapples, frozen banana and coconut milk. The result is a whole fibre smooth and creamy smoothie. You can have this as a breakfast option also for the fit fam gang (lol)

  1. In your durable blender introduce your frozen pineapples and frozen bananas and pour in your coconut milk.
  2. Cover and blend away till it's smooth and creamy. I will advise you use a very strong blender for this recipe because you're working with frozen fruits and it can get tough for a blender that doesn't have a strong blades.
  3. For your glass cup , rub the edges of the glass with some honey or lemon juice , then rub with some brown or white sugar, the plan is to give your drink that Island vibe .
  4. Then pour in your smoothie into the glass cup till it fills the cup.
  5. Garnish with some pineapple wedge and enjoy!

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