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Preparation time
20 mins
Cooking time
30 mins
2 people
Meal course
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1 Cup
2 Tablespoon
Ginger, cloves, dry pepper
2 Cup
4 Tablespoon
2 Tablespoon
Coconut flakes
1 Cup
Evaporated milk (optional)
1 Cup Millet2 Tablespoon Ginger, cloves, dry pepper2 Cup Yoghurt4 Tablespoon Sugar2 Tablespoon Coconut flakes1 Cup Evaporated milk (optional)

A fulani refreshing drink that awakens the mind and sets the mood for relaxation.

  1. Blend the millet, alongside ginger and cloves with a little dry pepper.
  2. Once it is smooth, add a little water and mould it into a ball shape.
  3. Now put in a boiling water and let it cook for 15-20mins.
  4. Strain the water and pound the balls untill the are sticky.
  5. Now roll into ball shape again. This can be stored in the fridge for a week or more.
  6. Now smash the required amount of the millet balls and add yoghurt to it.
  7. Mix thoroughly and add sugar to taste.
  8. You can add grated coconut and evaporated milk if you desire.
  9. Refrigerate and serve cool.
  10. Raisins and dates can be added if desired.

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