Fried tilapia fish

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Preparation time
15 mins
Cooking time
30 mins
3 people
Meal course
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1 1/2 Kg
1 Cooking spoon
Pepper mix
2 Tablespoon
seasoning/fish spices/barbecue spice
1 Cup
Vegetable oil
1 1/2 Kg Fish1 Cooking spoon Pepper mix2 Tablespoon seasoning/fish spices/barbecue spice1 Cup Vegetable oil
Fried tilapia fish

This a very good side dish you can pair with rice and sauce or as a main dish .

  1. prepare your fish then Marinate with some seasoning, fish spice, barbecue seasoning and some vegetable oil.
  2. then blend your pepper mix and spread over the fish on both sides
  3. spread on both sides and set aside to marinate for 20 minutes
  4. in a dry pan go in with some vegetable oil
  5. introduce your fish into the oil and shallow fry
  6. flip to the other side and fry 5 minutes on both sides on medium heat.
  7. and your fish is ready

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