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Preparation time
5 mins
Cooking time
20 mins
3 people
Meal course
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500 Gram
Spaghetti (any pasta of choice)
14 Ounce
Coconut milk
2 Tablespoon
cayenne pepper
1 Cup
1 Tablespoon
1 Cup
Salted butter
1 Kg
1 Cup
Vegetable oil
2 Tablespoon
Chilli flakes
1 Ounce
Bell peppers, carrots
1 Tablespoon
Parsely flakes
1 Tablespoon
Curry powder
1 Tablespoon
500 Gram Spaghetti (any pasta of choice)14 Ounce Coconut milk2 Tablespoon cayenne pepper1 Cup onions1 Tablespoon Garlic1 Cup Salted butter1 Kg Chicken1 Cup Vegetable oil2 Tablespoon Chilli flakes1 Ounce Bell peppers, carrots1 Tablespoon Parsely flakes1 Tablespoon Curry powder1 Tablespoon Seasoning

Coconut cream pasta is made with coconut milk , protein of choice, spices and vegetables the taste is so unique and creamy.

  1. With your protein ,season with some garlic, chilli flakes, seasoning and some coconut oil, allow to marinate or go into cooking.
  2. In a pan or skillet add some vegetable oil and pan fry your marinated chicken till it is nice and brown.
  3. In another pan melt some butter , add some chopped onions, minced garlic, some chilli flakes, cayenne pepper and season to taste.
  4. Then introduce your coconut milk into the pot and stir gently till the coconut sauce comes to a simmer .
  5. By this time your pasta must have be cooked al dente ( that is cooked 85%,still firm and not soggy) . Introduce the pasta into the sauce and mix to combine all the ingredients.,add some chopped vegetables of preference (bell peppers, parsley, carrots etc).
  6. Check for taste, add more chilli pepper, seasoning if need be ,cover to cook for 3 minutes and your creamy coconut pasta is ready! Serve with your nicely cooked chicken and enjoy!

One comment

  1. gracerecipeskitchen said on April 8, 2023 Reply

    This coconut cream pasta is a must try! I’ll like to get feedbacks when you try it ou.

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